To their credit, Ofsted has committed to a 12-week consultation period and has published a full range of documentation (including a very early draft of the inspection handbook) to support review, debate and feedback. Here is your summary of the new Ofsted Inspection Framework 2019 revised to take account of the changes following the consultation. Providers on the Early Years Register will normally have their … Posted on 21 January 2020. Ofsted’s 2019 School Inspection Handbook for maintained schools and academies and their Non-association Independent School Inspection Handbook contain the following identical information on the assessment of character education. In came the Education Inspection Framework (EIF), in which judgements focus far more on the appropriateness of the curriculum. Ofsted in the news. How schools will be inspected This contains information about the processes before, during and after the ... Ofsted will not record 1 In this handbook, any reference to the Education Act 2005 includes any amendments made by the The New Ofsted Framework. Last September Ofsted began inspecting apprenticeship providers using their new framework. Together with Aidan Severs @thatboycanteach we have pored over 100s of pages of information and the results of the consultation exercise to give you a clear summary for school leaders and governors as to what’s in the New Ofsted Inspection Handbook … Out went the Common Inspection Framework (CIF), in which inspector judgements relied heavily on achievement rates. Types of providers subject to inspection covered by this handbook 4. There is much to welcome and much to express concern about, but that, after all, is the whole purpose of consultation. None of … Ofsted will check whether bullying is tolerated, not whether it exists . A shift away from teacher focussed, outcome driven inspections and a decisive step towards the curriculum centric. It’s been a busy start to 2020 for Ofsted, with more updates and media coverage than an Ofsted-nerd like myself can keep up with - so I thought it might be useful to pull together some of what’s been going on. Eventbrite - ED-fed presents Ofsted Inspection Update (focusing on the New Ofsted Framework 2019) Birmingham - Thursday, 19 March 2020 at ibis Birmingham New Street Station, Birmingham, England. •The visits will be based around a series of professional conversations with senior and middle leaders. To find our more about Ofsted’s interim visits in the Autumn, read our article. Pikuach Inspection Handbook 2020–5780 – DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION _____ DRAFT Pikuach Handbook for Consultation Page 5 teaching and assessment that provide effective feedback (Implementation), and the resulting outcomes (Impact). 46. Ofsted had proposed that the lead inspector would arrive on-site the afternoon before an inspection to do their preparation on-site.The rationale was that inspectors could have more detailed discussions with headteachers before the inspection officially began.But heads’ groups warned this amounted to an earlier start, and others claimed it constituted a no-notice inspection because the inspector could arrive in as little as two-and-a-half h… This framework and handbook document sets out Ofsted’s inspection principles, guidance and the main judgements that inspectors make when inspecting ITE. View More. Check how the new Brexit rules affect you. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Teacher training and professional development, Initial teacher education inspection framework and handbook, Summary of changes: ITE inspection framework and handbook, consultation on the framework and draft handbook, Initial teacher training: government response to Carter review, Changes to statutory induction during national roll-out, Standard for teachers’ professional development, Carter review of initial teacher training, Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Transparency and freedom of information releases. OfSTED: New Inspection Framework and Handbook (23rd June 2020) Summary. To Gill Jones, There is no mention, in this article about how you look at the provision of early reading skills and getting the foundations right for learning and teaching phonics as part of your new inspections of Nursery Schools, a most important part of Early education. The first part of the document is the ITE inspection framework, which sets out how Ofsted will inspect ITE partnerships and make judgements about the different phases of ITE training. Ofsted does not require schools to provide any specific document or plan in relation to the pupil premium other than its pupil premium strategy, and will not require any further school-generated data on the pupil premium… (School Inspection Handbook - May 2019 - P.14 i) … It seemed like something of a change of course for our national regulatory body. February 10, 2020, 11:45, 11:45. You’ve accepted all cookies. The handbook has three parts: Part 1. This is primarily a guide for Ofsted inspectors on how to carry out inspections of ITE in England from September 2020. A summary of the key changes can be found here: Key documentation 5. Out went the Common Inspection Framework (CIF), in which inspector judgements relied heavily on achievement rates. 10 top tips on Ofsted . Following the public consultation closing on 3 April 2020, we still plan to publish the new ITE inspection framework in the summer term to give providers plenty of time to familiarise themselves with it. 3 • to develop knowledge of this judgement within the current Ofsted framework; • To ensure an understanding of the effective governance of pupil behaviour and attitudes • to secure and appreciation of the role of attendance and punctuality within the judgement. Indeed, to quote the new framework: ‘During all inspections of infant, junior, primary and lower middle schools, inspectors must focus on how well pupils are taught to read […] The Ofsted Framework and our workshops The new Ofsted Framework, which came into practise September 2019, emphasises the importance for leadership and management to promote British Values in schools and build students’ cultural capital as they learn to become global citizens. Published 24 June 2020. The new iteration of Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework, which will take effect from September 2019, was published on 14 May 2019. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. provider’s individual circumstances. The second part of the document is the inspection handbook. This framework and handbook document sets out Ofsted’s inspection principles, guidance and the main judgements that inspectors make when inspecting ITE. The new Ofsted Framework for the Inspection of ITT Providers in England has been recently published and it is clear Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) continues to be central to the government’s approach to the teaching of early reading and must be covered in all primary ITE programmes. Ofsted normally inspects education, skills and work as part of HMIP’s inspections of prisons and YOIs. The paper discusses how in 2019, Ofsted announced a new Education Inspection Framework for schools which included new language about character under a heading of ‘Personal Development’ and the application of the Framework during the inspections of 60 Birmingham schools in the first two terms of its use (Autumn 2019, Spring 2020). We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. A summary of the key changes can be found here: Learn how Ofsted will inspect 'personal development' under the 2019 framework, including how SMSC development is considered. We also publish this for ITE partnerships and other interested parties so that they are aware of Ofsted’s inspection processes and procedures under the ITE framework. 200002. Added a note confirming that Ofsted will carry out full graded ITE inspections from April 2021. 46. 27 February 2020. February 10, 2020, 11:45, 11:45. To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. We ran a consultation on the framework and draft handbook between January and April 2020. ... 61 of the inspection handbook (linked to above). Is the quality of provision being sustained? Ofsted stressed that these visits are “not inspections” and made clear they will not use the education inspection framework and FE and skills inspection handbook, and “we will publish a brief operational note in September about how we will carry out visits”. Whilst it is true that at some point Ofsted inspections for outstanding schools is due to be reinstated, this is not a) a consequence of the new framework, or b) it has happened. However, where Ofsted has four key judgement areas, Pikuach has instead three key judgement areas: A copy of the framwork and handbook (in PDF) can be found below to download. 200002 4 trainers, newly qualified teachers (NQTs),1 leaders, managers, mentors and employers, where appropriate. In came the Education Inspection Framework (EIF), in which judgements focus far more on the appropriateness of the curriculum. Six months into the EIF, FE Week took a… We have also published new versions of our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile 2020 Handbook - 3 Minute Read and Early Years Policy in line with the DfE’s EYFS early adopter framework. For use from February 2020 This handbook is a guide for inspectors on how to carry out inspections of education, ... as they did before with Ofsted’s common inspection framework (CIF) and as contained in Part 2 of this handbook. Release date: 08/10/2020. Published: April 2020 Reference no: 200002 Initial teacher education inspection framework and handbook Framework and handbook for inspecting initial teacher education partnerships in England under section 18B of the Education Act 1994 and Education and Inspections Act 2006. ... • Use the education inspection framework and school inspection handbook ... •Ofsted will visit all inadequate schools and a sample of schools across the other Ofsted grades Currently, paragraph 16 of the School Inspection Handbook says: “16. “We will review this transitional phase in the summer of 2020.” 4. The handbook that Ofsted inspectors will use to guide their inspection Ofsted’s overview of research used to inform its development of the EIF One school’s account of their experience of piloting the new inspection framework Ofsted’s School inspection update (September 2019) One Trust leader’s account of inspection under the new framework. 61. 190021 3 Introduction 1. A: The Secretary of State has asked for all routine Ofsted inspections to be suspended as a result of COVID-19 (coronavirus). It is also required to be covered through references in the 2012 teacher standards (Part 1, Pg. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Under Ofsted’s new regime, this inspection category has been replaced with a new "quality of education" grade – with an increased emphasis on the curriculum.. Ofsted shifts focus away from homework. Board diversity, professional clerking and executive leaders’ understanding of effective governance feature among the updates. Indeed, to quote the new framework: ‘During all inspections of infant, junior, primary and lower middle schools, inspectors must focus on how well pupils are taught to read […] 27 February 2020. Estimated time to read: 6 mins. of this school year a new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework was launched following an ... 844 Ofsted inspection reports released between September 2019 and January 2020 have been analysed as part of this work. Ofsted have announced their new, curriculum-focused framework, meaning that they will be taking a broader approach to what is taught, why it’s taught, and how this impacts pupil outcomes. We ran a consultation on the framework and draft handbook between January and April 2020. Find event and ticket information. Ofsted has today published its new and final education inspection framework that will come into effect from September. We also publish this for ITE partnerships and other interested parties so that they are aware of Ofsted’s inspection processes and procedures under the ITE framework. The Ofsted framework 6. Initial teacher education inspection framework and handbook September 2020, No. Ofsted in the news. None of the attendees had had a chance to look at the framework, so we were relying on what the HMIs said. 2 ... Key documentation 5. 5. The 2019 Ofsted FE Handbook effective from 1 September 2019; The 2019 Education Inspection Framework as applied in 2020/21; The role and responsibilities of the nominee prior to inspection; Inspection timeline from Inspectors’ arrival until departure; Examples of inspection timetables and meetings; Key Ofsted documents used during inspection Last September, Ofsted launched their new Early Years Inspection Framework, following much consultation and discussion with the sector. Within the new framework Ofsted will interrogate the overall quality of provision throughout the institution and to support this, deeper guidance for schools ... Further Education and Skills Handbook Education Inspection Framework Guidance 2. NGA will be updating this section of guidance in the coming weeks to reflect the updated Framework. Initial teacher education inspection handbook September 2020, No. A different type of visit for Autumn Term •Ofsted will focus on carrying out visits, not inspections. It follows a three-month public consultation, which prompted more than 15,000 responses – the highest number the education watchdog has ever received. The section under ‘Personal development’ elaborates on the information in the Education Inspection Framework as follows: This judgement … Posted: 06 Jan 2020. Ofsted will assess this in two key ways: Taking a top-level view – this will involve looking at the curriculum as a whole and how it is … A shift away from teacher focussed, outcome driven inspections and a decisive step towards the curriculum centric. Following the public consultation closing on 3 April 2020, we still plan to publish the new ITE inspection framework in the summer term to give providers plenty of time to familiarise themselves with it. Read guidance on our work from January 2021 . Under the new framework, inspection teamswill consider four consultation on the framework and draft handbook, OfSTED: New ITE Framework and Handbook (June 2020) (pdf 565KB). The second part of the document is the inspection handbook. Whilst the coronavirus pandemic has put inspections on hold until at least January 2021, it’s still important for early years settings to be aware of the changes and how they might affect their future inspection. Changes include a much greater emphasis on more frequent and shorter inspections. Ofsted will introduce full graded inspections under the new ITE inspection framework from April 2021. Together with Aidan Severs @thatboycanteach we have pored over 100s of pages of information and the results of the consultation exercise to give you a clear summary for school leaders and governors as to what’s in the New Ofsted Inspection Handbook … You can read NGA's round-up of the changes on the news page. The watchdog confirmed that the new framework will be introduced from September 2020, with inspections starting in January 2021. 200002 63. Ofsted handbooks. Ofsted stressed that these visits are “not inspections” and made clear they will not use the education inspection framework and FE and skills inspection handbook, and “we will publish a brief operational note in September about how we will carry out visits”. The new iteration of Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework, which will take effect from September 2019, was published on 14 May 2019.You can read NGA's round-up of the changes on the news page.. NGA will be updating this section of guidance in the coming weeks to reflect the updated Framework. Debra Rutley rejoiced when she read the new Ofsted framework. Read the new Handbook. Whatever our personal feelings about OFSTED and the New Framework, the changes from September 2019 firmly demonstrate that reading is, quite rightly, high priority in any inspections. The New EIF and Ofsted FE Handbook published 14 May 2019; that was implemented on 1 September 2019; The Ofsted focus in 2020/21 and the implementation of the New EIF and Ofsted FE Handbook, effective from 1 September 2019; Changes to the types of provision and to the key judgements; New Quality of Education judgement Arguably the most controversial proposed change for FE was to reduce the current six provision types graded in inspection reports: CISA’s National Risk Management Center is launching a multifaceted “risk reduction venture” to help organize efforts around analyzing, measuring and providing tools to address cybersecurity risks faced by critical infrastructure. Within the new framework Ofsted will interrogate the overall quality of provision throughout the institution and to support this, deeper guidance for schools and colleges can be found in the inspection handbooks. 5. ... to December 2020. 2 Steve Barker. It’s been a busy start to 2020 for Ofsted, with more updates and media coverage than an Ofsted-nerd like myself can keep up with - so I thought it might be useful to pull together some of what’s been going on. Estimated time to read: 6 mins. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. •Ofsted will continue to make section 8 emergency inspections as and when required. 4 Behaviour and Attitudes. 1 Inspectors will apply their professional judgement when they use this handbook. Further education and skills inspection handbook March 2020, No. It seemed like something of a change of course for our national regulatory body. Six months into the EIF, FE Week took a… Ofsted guidance on inspecting registered early years and childcare providers under the education inspection framework. “At last we in AP could tell our story” The day the new Ofsted framework came out I was at an event for alternative provision chief executives, where two Ofsted HMIs, Nick Whittaker and Dan Owen, were speaking. 2019's Ofsted Framework changes threw a spanner in the works for many school leaders. Early years inspection handbook for Ofsted registered provision ... framework for the early years foundation stage (EYFS)’.2 The current inspection cycle runs from 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2020. The Inspection Nominee Training Course and the Ofsted Inspection Preparing Managers workshop has been totally updated to include the New EIF and Ofsted FE Handbook that was published 14 May 2019 and implemented on 1 September 2019. The day the new Ofsted framework came out I was at an event for alternative provision chief executives, where two Ofsted HMIs, Nick Whittaker and Dan Owen, were speaking. Related: Ofsted to fail ITT providers over non-phonics reading. The Governance Handbook defines the roles, functions and legal duties of governing boards in maintained schools, academies and multi academy trusts. A: The Secretary of State has asked for all routine Ofsted inspections to be suspended as a result of COVID-19 (coronavirus). A new FE and skills inspection handbook has been created as a result, which includes… Ofsted's draft inspection framework allows too little room for critical thinking, a universities leader has warned. Here is your summary of the new Ofsted Inspection Framework 2019 revised to take account of the changes following the consultation. The first part of the document is the ITE inspection framework, which sets out how Ofsted will inspect ITE partnerships and make judgements about the different phases of ITE training. The Inspection Handbook 8 The behaviour and attitudes judgement considers how Handbook for inspecting further education and skills providers under part 8 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, for use from September 2019 . You can change your cookie settings at any time. This is primarily a guide for Ofsted inspectors on how to carry out inspections of ITE in England from September 2020. The draft inspection framework proposed that Ofsted would look for an absence of bullying in determining how to grade a school on the behaviour and attitudes of its pupils. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services. At the time of writing, there is no specific guidance on if, or how, inspections may change, but Ofsted wrote in their schools and early education update October 2020 that in terms of returning to inspections in January 2021 they are: “currently exploring the challenges of inspecting under the EIF [Education Inspection Framework] while COVID-19 measures are still in place”. We use cookies to collect information about how you use GOV.UK. Whilst the coronavirus pandemic has put inspections on hold until at least January 2021, it’s still important for early years settings to be aware of the changes and how they might affect their future inspection. Last September, Ofsted launched their new Early Years Inspection Framework, following much consultation and discussion with the sector. Posted: 06 Jan 2020. This framework and handbook document sets out Ofsted’s inspection principles, guidance and the main judgements that inspectors make when inspecting ITE. Backlash: Ofsted phonics push 'inappropriate for ITT' Background: Ofsted's new focus on curriculum and behaviour in ITT. Ofsted will return to some forms of routine inspection activity from January 2021. Updates corresponding to changes made in the Academies Financial Handbook and the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework. Initial teacher education inspection framework and handbook September 2020, No. Tania is a member the Ofsted SEND Inspections Stakeholders Advisory Group, and sits on the Advisory Board of the Royal Holloway, University of London Centre of Gene and Cell Therapy. Release date: 08/10/2020. The New Ofsted Framework 2020 Briefing for Chairs and Vice-Chairs September 2020. View More. This handbook describes the main activities that inspectors carry out when they inspect further education and skills providers in England under part 8 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. The New Ofsted Framework 2020 Briefing for Chairs and Vice-Chairs September 2020. Nowe rejestratory IP marki BCS BCS – wiodący producent wydajnych kamer i rejestratorów do monitoringu przez 24 godziny na dobę, zaprojektował nową serię sieciowych rejestratorów IP przeznaczonych do kompleksowej obsługi cyfrowych systemów monitoringu IP. This handbook applies to inspections from 1 September 2019 under the education inspection framework (EIF). You can also read interim guidance covering September to December 2020. Ofsted does not require schools to provide any specific document or plan in relation to the pupil premium other than its pupil premium strategy, and will not require any further school-generated data on the pupil premium… (School Inspection Handbook - May 2019 - P.14 i) Our means of data collection is simple. 2019's Ofsted Framework changes threw a spanner in the works for many school leaders. Last September Ofsted began inspecting apprenticeship providers using their new framework. 7 …will ask whether leaders, teachers and practitioners have high expectations for learners and implement these consistently and fairly. A new version of the Governance Handbook has been released today (8 October) by the Department for Education (DfE), along with new governance role descriptors. Spam or share your email address with anyone ofsted framework 2020 handbook June 2020 ) ( PDF 565KB ) reflect the updated.... Further education and skills providers under the education inspection framework allows too little room for thinking. The coming weeks to reflect the updated framework teacher focussed, outcome driven inspections and a decisive step towards curriculum! The Secretary of State has asked for all routine Ofsted inspections to be as. Teamswill consider four Release date: 08/10/2020 came the education inspection framework ( EIF ), which. 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ofsted framework 2020 handbook 2021