Amen. Use this list as a resource for your own personal time in Adoration, when planning a retreat or leading a small group. Prayer of Adoration to God Almighty God, how wonderful you are. You mean more than all the world to me. Breaker 94. You and I were for this time and place. Share this post. Great is Your faithfulness O Lord.Great is Your loving kindnessAnd Your tender mercies.Thank You for the forgiveness of sins.You promised us that whenever we confess our sinsYou forgive and cleanse us.Thank You because You’ve not dealt with us according to the multitude of our iniquities.Indeed, Your faithfulness is great. , you are self-revealing to your people (Exodus 3:14-15). With intelligence, he knows the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10-11); with emotions he can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30), and according to his will, he distributes spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:11). “Exalt the Lord our God, And worship at His holy hill; For the Lord our God is holy.” —Ps. Jesus, You’re everything to me.You’re all I am and hope to be.My help in ages past and hope for years to come.My instant and ultimate salvation.The only way to the Father.My all in all, my Savior and Friend.The sun of righteousness and the lamb of GodYou’ve conquered hell and death for me.I am Yours and You are mine. with omniscience (1 Corinthians 1:11-12), omnipresence (Psalm 139:7), and involvement in creation (Psalm 104:30); blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is blasphemy against God (Matthew 12:31-32). Omniscient God!.You know the things hidden in the depths of the heart of men.You see actions in darkness and You weigh motives.Please search my heart and make it right for You.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'motivationandlove_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_18',112,'0','0'])); 18. In Jesus name we pray with the help of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Father, today, we reverence and honor You. I bless You, Lord,For You have called us as sons in Your kingdom.You’ve given us first, Faith to believe,Then, the power to be.May we live our lives as Your sons. How can I say thank You enough?Thank You does not fully expressHow grateful we are for Your love.How can I tell You I love You?“I Love You” does not tellWhat I feel in my deepest depths.I love You forever Lord Jesus,Beyond words can say. , you are God Most High who reigns supreme (Genesis 21:33). I love You, nevertheless. God Most High (El-Elyon) God my Maker God my Rock God my Savior God my stronghold God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob God of all comfort God of all mankind God of glory God of grace God of hope God of love and peace God of peace God of retribution God of the living God of the spirits of all mankind God of truth God our Father God our strength Jesus Christ is worthy to be worshipped and adored (Philippians 2:9-11; Revelation 5:12). Her heart brimmed over with love and adoration for Charles. Excellent God 83. !Come, Lord Jesus, come. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Word become flesh, Who dwelt among us and was sacrificed for us, We praise your holy name. Thank you for sending Jesus, and calling us together to celebrate his work. 44. Here are awesome prayers of adoration we can offer to God. Merciful God,May Your mercy always find meWhen my feet from your path stray,When my heart is turned away.Please let Your spirit after me seek,Bringing me back to Your fold.This I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Jehovah Shammah,You’re always here with us.You’ve been to us, Emmanuel- God with us.Please be with us when we go outAnd when we come in.Let the world bear our testimony,That we have a God who is always by our side. You are sovereign (Ephesians 1:11, 20-21). By the sacrifice of outstretched hands, , you are “The Lord Our Banner,” the victorious (Exodus 17:15). Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. 34. Think on them, pray them, sing them, worship Him. 14. 2. Worship God by loving the people in Your life. Adoration definition: Adoration is a feeling of great admiration and love for someone or something. How beautiful You’ve made me. Leader of leaders 85. 4. I am a sheep in Your fold.Thank You, dear shepherd, for how much You’ve taken care of me.You always have my need at heart.You give me the best of everything.May I never stray from Your fold. God … (a short prayer of adoration to God, which can be used before receiving the Eucharist) I lift my eyes to see your face, Saviour, healer, Lord of grace. Apr 12, 2020 - Faith and the journey. As we begin our reflections on the Decalogue we should first point out that the Decalogue is immense, it embraces, literally all the religious and moral responsibilities of the human race. I worship you, my God, because of who you are: Eternal, immortal, and invisible, you alone are God (Psalm 90:1-2; 1 Timothy 1:17; Isaiah 45:5). 2. 46. 19. literary the worship of a god. Jesus Christ humbled himself (Philippians 2:5-7). You’ve made us the signs and wonders to the world.To show Your unbeatable power to the ends of the earth, one that has lasted through generations.This is who we are in You,Objects of Your love and subjects to Your almightiness.May the world see signs of YouAnd the wonders You doIn our lives every day. Ask God to help you learn to the practice of adoration. 27. Amen. , you are God Everlasting and changeless forever (Genesis 21:33). Synonyms for adoration in Free Thesaurus. His primary reason for creating man is fellowship. O God to whom our praise is due,You created us to give You pleasure.You take the praises from our heart,And with it You make a dwelling place for Yourself.What is man, that You are mindful of us?What are we oh Lord, that You so care for us?.You’ve even placed all things under our feet,And You’ve given us dominion over the works of Your hands.You’ve made our bodies a temple for Your worship.And our praises Your habitation.Blessed be Your name forever. Words of Affirmation. Creation cries out in awe of your power, The universe shines with your glory and greatness. How wonderful it is to be loved by You. We cannot overemphasize the place of God in human existence. The image of Ruler (Psalm 103:19; 1 Timothy 6:15). Inspire your friends. God of light and truth, We don’t really get you. O Lord, my Father!,When I pay attention to the love You’ve bestowed on me,When I think and meditate on it,My heart cannot understand it.How can a God so vast,Live in a me so small? Our present meditation is on the first Commandment of the Decalogue and specifically on adoration of God. As well as a list of examples, there is also advice for those who cannot readily think of anything great to say about their partner! Ramuntcho Pierre Loti The blessed Maria be praised, and adoration to her holy Son, that you have all got through the night so well! Best Prayer of Adoration to God. You are perfectly wrathful (Romans 1:18; Nahum 1:2). Please help me add more wonderful words describing God to this list. 26. 32. adoration. Eternal, immortal, and invisible, you alone are God (Psalm 90:1-2; 1 Timothy 1:17; Isaiah 45:5). Thank you! Comprehensive list of synonyms for praising and worshipping a god or gods, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus ... adoration noun. You are morally pure and set apart (Leviticus 11:44-45). They knelt in adoration of their gods. 6. One of the ways I can show God my love and worship is to intentionally love the people in my life. another spelling of hallelujah. Tweet; Share on Tumblr; Add a positive word that starts with the first letter of your name! person directly benefits. Impartial. Adoration is the worship of God without reference to …
list of words of adoration for god 2021