Jul 25, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Miri minalcar. wasn’t as important as the likelihood that it would take consistently. Reading about Esther helps me to feel braver. Become acquainted with the lessons the scriptures teach. For the Book of Mormon, we need to remember that the events of Ether (near the end of the book) happened first, and the records of Mormon and Moroni contain letters from each other. The Church is re-directing the center of learning to the home, where individuals and families can be flexible to study in ways that best suit their circumstances. You can also use your patriarchal blessing when studying LDS scriptures and make notes in your spiritual journal about it. Mar 8, 2020 - Explore Cassie Bagley's board "Ways to Study the Scriptures", followed by 252 people on Pinterest. We see all the amazing things that the Lord is giving us, and we see our obligations and the ways we could potentially forfeit the blessings we want. You might be examining a topic you want to study further. We don’t have to sprint through the books, devouring the pages, to make it worthwhile. There are a couple of ways this can be done. How wasn’t as important as the likelihood that it would take consistently. Brown, The Latter-day Saint’s Guide to Starbucks, #MormonHarryPotter: What Hogwarts Looks Like Under a Mormon Spell, The Five Most Hilarious Anti-Mormon Conspiracy Theories. We need them now more than ever, so here are a few ways you can make your scripture study more meaningful and effective. While many of us enjoy reading our printed set of scriptures and hand-writing notes in the margins, the online scriptures on LDS.org provide the same text as the print version and have additional features, such as pop-up footnotes, My Study Notebook, and audio playback, that might be helpful in a number of ways. That simple exercise gave me a wonderfully refreshing and clarifying journey through the histories and spiritual development of the family of Adam right down to the dawning of the Last Dispensation. It isn’t quitting. Prepare a talk. You must be properly prepared before you can serve. But rather than read the scriptures to check off a box or to impress ward members, we should read the scriptures to get to know Jesus and strengthen the bond between us. Scripture Notes is the new advanced scripture study software by Living Tree Software created for people who want to study the scriptures in ways they've never been able to before. The following article is adapted from a chapter in my new book “How Much Do You Want It?” where I talk about how to develop a strong testimony. Try to keep it general. His answer was both simple and profound: “Whichever one you’ll do.”, “What do you like doing? We can even use the audio version of the scriptures for this adventure. Conference addresses, First Presidency messages, and other inspired articles are also considered scripture and should be included in our studies. So, there are lots of ways of studying the scriptures: Topically. For me, this is the best way to retain and review these precious insights. Some children might also benefit from following a simplified reading schedule with verses that are ideal for children beginning to study the scriptures. Most of the Standard Works have not been compiled in strict chronological order. See more ideas about Scripture study, Scripture, Lds scriptures. The second page of the printable are several questions to ponder over the 12 weeks. They are based on revelation and can be everything from church websites to audio versions of the scriptures, or from Preach My Gospel and the Personal Progress booklet to the Bible Dictionary and the Topical Guide. I loved participating in the Book of Mormon reading challenge that President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) issued some years ago (see “A Testimony Vibrant and True,” Ensign, Aug. 2005, 6). Take notes. Whatever method you are using, you are guaranteed to get more out of your session if you follow the steps below. This study method also really brings to light how important the Book of Mormon really is, because it contains so much more doctrine that clearly delineates the difference between the spirit world and our final heavenly home and what really happens with the Resurrection. You can prepare ahead of time or read through the … Learning about Job helps me to keep things in perspective. Breanna Olaveson Feb 22, 2015 0 0 (Photo courtesy Mormon Newsroom.) Think those war chapters in Alma are boring? As we seek truth, we must prepare ourselves … Once you do find a plan that works for you, you can begin the process of improving every day. How can I follow the good examples I see?”. The linked footnotes make it easy for me to access cross-references. To whom is he speaking? As I was studying Howard W. Hunter Chapter 10: “The Scriptures—The most Profitable of all Study”, there were some quotes that really stood out to me: Reading habits vary widely. so effective as the day-to-day reading and application of the scriptures in our lives. How to Effectively Study the Book of Mormon. That means it isn’t just some guy guessing about why something is the way it is, or what it might mean. Here are just a handful of study methods I’ve used over the years. your own Pins on Pinterest For church goers, “read your scriptures” is a classic Sunday School answer. Another kind of comparison is to look at how different prophets or groups of people handled similar situations. 10 Ways to Make Scripture Study Fun and Actually Do It. If we bump into something we really think is cool, we can stop and study it, or mark it some way and come back to it when there’s more time. I find it easier to have consistent, meaningful scripture study when I vary my methods. Of course, if we’re looking at the Big Picture, we’ll discover Who’s at the center of it: Jesus Christ, the Savior. You earn achievements based on how much others like what … Each copy is like a blank slate, ready for me to highlight according to topic or any way that will help shed new light on a verse. 20 Ways To Get More from the Scriptures. LDS Expert. We can see how it all fits together, and in so doing, how we fit into the Big Picture. It was a glorious experience filled with the Spirit, and I found many hidden treasures of wisdom and beautiful language. I find it helpful to do this during the administration of the sacrament each week. You can study it word by word, phrase by phrase, or paragraph by paragraph by looking up topics in the "Study Helps" … Listen while you work. Likewise, the Pearl of Great Price gives us a vital understanding of our pre-mortal existence and the fact that none of what happened in the Creation was by chance. And of course, study the scriptures daily. The same applies for scripture study. However, they do not contain all the wisdom and knowledge there is to know for each person. Music invites the Spirit and enlightens the mind. For example, studying Jonah (the whale guy), we can learn about why we sometimes run away from the things the Lord wants us to do, or how we might even resent miracles! 8 Tips for Spicing Up Your “Come, Follow Me” Study, Sometimes Going to Church Is Like Eating Your Vegetables, With One Big Difference, 3 Mormon Moms Create Multi-Million Dollar Company, All Things Were Common among Them, Even how They Start Talks, UPDATED: The Ultimate Mobile App Guide for Latter-day Saints, 8 Up and Coming Mormon Actors You Should Know, Never-Before-Seen Letter on Doubt By Hugh B. I play recordings of the scriptures while I work in the kitchen and on my MP3 player when I go for a walk. This often makes it easier to understand events, because things are worded just differently enough to make the meaning clearer. Sometimes I read in my backyard or hike to a favorite secluded spot. Download your free audio copy at lds.org/scriptures. booklet to the Bible Dictionary and the Topical Guide. I have several inexpensive copies of the Book of Mormon, for instance. But it wasn’t always so. Maybe something here will inspire you to try or tweak a plan of your own. What does this have to do with me and my situation?”. 60 Pins • 29 Followers. Use scriptural resources. Scripture Study By Paul VanDenBerghe Church Magazines. In one of my copies I have marked in red each mention of Christ and the Atonement. The Topical Guide and Bible Dictionary are often overlooked as study tools, yet they contain much added insight and information. in 20 to 30 hours, allowing two to three minutes per page. Testament of Jesus Christ. Many Latter-day Saints are already familiar with the Scripture Citation Index website at scriptures.byu.edu, where users can enhance gospel study by clicking on any scripture verse in the church’s standard works and find out when a church leader has used it in a general conference talk.The index includes verses citing speakers in general conference going back to 1942, speakers in the … Although the people mentioned in the scriptures are not fictional characters, we can use some things we learned back in literature class. For the gospel scholars out there you can earn achievements for posting great content for the benefit of others. For example, why are Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego spared a fiery death when Abinadi is not? I study and research the topic, then write the talk—just as if it were the real thing. In a study journal, write down what a particular person in the scriptures is experiencing. © Copyright 2016 - Third Hour. Printable Scripture Subway Art {FREE} - My Joy-Filled Life. The best way to study our scriptures is whatever way we’ll actually. The following article originally appeared in the April 2015 Ensign magazine as “13 Ways to Study the Scriptures,” by Kristen G. Walton: A spiritual feast—that’s what I anticipate during my personal scripture study time. One fun study I did once was to go through the entire Standard Works—my whole hard-copy quad—reading the chapter headings only. Enos’s example teaches me about the power of prayer. A patriarchal blessing is your own personal scriptures from the Lord, like a chapter written just for you and it can be a very powerful resource if you study it often. Take a look at what our study journal has to offer. Refer to Church magazines. It even has a way to make “margin notes” and cross reference stuff. Online Resources. 1) Select Chapter, Verse, Or Topic for Study. I often read my scriptures online at LDS.org. Set goals. How have you maintained your gospel study on a regular basis? We can search out some of those passages by looking at the bottom of each song in the hymnal for the references used. A.S., Computer Information Technology, LDS Business College; Rachel Bruner is a writer, energy healer and active member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints. 12 Week LDS Scripture Study Challenge. These would be great to ponder and record in a journal. If we bump into something we really think is cool, we can stop and study it, or mark it some way and come back to it when there’s more time. Inspirational Quotes. The idea of this great printable is to strengthen your relationship by studying scriptures and pondering several questions. This year Latter-day Saints have been asked to take their scripture study up a notch. Instead of having a great thought and nowhere to write it in your margins, record ALL your impressions in a note field for each verse. Visit the post for more. Because of that experience, I have tried to set additional reading goals so that I’m always feasting upon the spiritual nourishment provided in the scriptures. Looking at these people as real people makes their experiences more real. An average reader can finish the entire Book of Mormon in 20 to 30 hours, allowing two to three minutes per page. The best part is that I get to assign myself the topic, so I choose something of special interest to me or that might help me overcome a challenge. Kelly has taught Seminary, Gospel Doctrine, and Sunday School. With a visual aid nearby, we can read passages and identify which part of the Plan goes with the different principles and doctrines. Scriptures are a great reference to the standards of the Gospel. It’s pretty fun to say I finished all of Alma or Isaiah in one sitting! We can see how it all fits together, and in so doing, how. That sounds like a “duh” (and it is), but it sure makes their stories feel more relevant to our own lives. Although it sometimes feels like the scriptures might as well still be written in Greek, Latin or Hebrew for how difficult they are to understand, other parts are really beautiful and clear. There are rapid readers and slow readers, some who read only small snatches at a time and others who persist without stopping until the book is finished. I save my “talks” in a binder and if appropriate use them for family home evening lessons or in case I’m actually asked to speak in church. Fast. Explore. That sounds like a “duh” (and it is), but it sure makes their stories feel more relevant to our own lives. The cycles of pride, downfall, repentance and prosperity are easy to detect. Scripture study isn’t a race. This is always important, but it’s even more crucial before you attend the temple. But it wasn’t always so. But what’s a Testament? It’s okay not to finish a specific study plan. We can even use the audio version of the scriptures for this adventure. You must be properly prepared before you can serve. Rachel Bruner. Let me say something obvious that we often forget. That can start to feel like drudgery and kill the desire to continue, yet reading straight through is often our default setting way of “studying” the scriptures. The Gospel study journal: provides you with the full LDS scriptures online; allows you to quickly retrieve notes and thoughts that you have recorded. How can you study the scriptures? it? The scriptures were all written by prophets who really understood the Plan of Salvation. The standard works are available in a variety of audiovisual formats at Church distribution centers or online at store.lds.org. If you have children in your family, join together and study the scriptures by acting out scripture stories. This is ultimately the most important part of our personal study. Before long, I’ve got it memorized. Study a scriptural hero. As I read the Book of Mormon then, I felt the presence of the Spirit more in my daily life. I like to read a hymn’s lyrics and then look up the scriptural references listed after each hymn. I find it easier to have consistent, meaningful scripture study when I vary my methods. Use the hymnbook. Apr 6, 2015 - Being able to serve a LDS (Mormon) mission is a marvelous, life-changing opportunity. Join our weekly mailing list to receive the latest in LDS News. Putting things back in order helps the overarching message make more sense. I keep a small notebook with my set of scriptures and write down impressions I receive while reading them. They are based on revelation and can be everything from church websites to audio versions of the scriptures, or from. 20 Ways To Get More from the Scriptures Free! If we come at our scripture study time with a question or general dilemma, we’ll find analogies or even direct answers all over the place in the words of the prophets. They are to make us ask questions. http://www.lds.org/scriptures?lang=engThis video will help you get more from your scripture study! In the Doctrine and Covenants, we learn that “by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (1:38). For example, if you had five people in your family, dad could be Lehi and read his part, mom could be Sariah, child one could be Laman, child two could be Lemuel and child three could be Nephi. After finishing her teaching degree, she served a full-time mission in Guatemala. I play recordings of the scriptures while I work in the kitchen and on my MP3 player when I go for a walk. Conference addresses, First Presidency messages, and other inspired articles are also considered scripture and should be included in our studies. We should experience the scriptures as a … While it is a simple answer to give, there are marvelous blessings for those who follow through. Because then you’ll actually do it.”. Memorize a verse each week. But what’s a Testament? There are many ways to determine what to study in the scriptures. They teach us wonderful principles about how to live. What can I learn about this person? Kelly is the author of "How Much Do you Want it.". Each of us must find that way that is best for us. Scripture study isn’t a race. My personal favorites include the various Seminary and Institute manuals. Apr 6, 2015 - Being able to serve a LDS (Mormon) mission is a marvelous, life-changing opportunity. We don’t have to sprint through the books, devouring the pages, to make it worthwhile. Read outdoors. Sometimes, just dissecting a verse or two can yield a lot of food for thought. For Variety Read outdoors. See more ideas about lds scriptures, scripture study, scripture study lds. While they don’t teach us the specifics of what we learn in the temple, studying the scriptures and church materials is a very effective way to prepare ourselves. It’s finding a new game plan that works better. Scripture Study Part 1: 5 Reasons Why I Should Study the Scriptures Every Day. This is a 12 week challenge with a different scripture to study for each week. LDS Quotes on & about Scripture Study presented in an easy-to-read format. Sometimes I like to pretend that I have been assigned a talk for sacrament meeting. For some, scripture study has taken on a whole new dimension as each family member reads the part of a different person in an event. We have the Old Testament, the New Testament, and Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Under “Chronology” in the Bible Dictionary, we discover that the order of books in both the Old and New Testaments looks like someone shuffled a deck of cards at least once. One is to compare parallel passages between the Bible and the Book of Mormon or the Pearl of Great Price. Why do the Anti-Nephi-Lehites opt to lay down their weapons of war forever, even at the risk of death, when so many other groups fight to protect their families and freedoms? You can also purchase CD audio recordings of the standard works at Church distribution centers. The Bible Dictionary refers readers to “Covenant,” which means that at least part of the answer lies in the spiritual contract we enter into with the Lord through ordinances. Sessions will never be the same Church goers, “ so what even has a way make. The overarching message make more sense added insight and information Church websites to audio versions the... Study plan part 1: 5 Reasons why I should study the scriptures '' on Pinterest all written by who. Like to write down a selected verse on a regular basis these people as real people makes their more. Do. ”, “ who is speaking different principles and doctrines study sessions will never the. Determine what to study our scriptures is whatever way we ’ ll actually do day day. Chapter headings only different prophets or groups of people handled similar situations enjoying.! 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