Fish it with any common salmon/steelhead fly line for terrific results. NRX is the culmination of what we have been doing at G.Loomis since day one. I tend to grab this style of rod when I want a little more push than a 5-weight provides but I still might fish lighter tippet down to 5X. Daiwa : Laminates, resin, mandrels, components and the know how you expect from G.Loomis. Shimano : They feel great in hand and are extremely light for their line classes. To me, the other 10-footers in this series were a little smoother in the 30-50 foot range, but that’s splitting hairs. G. Loomis : Laminates, resin, mandrels, components and the know how you expect from us. A look at the rod's extra-fast taper. I hate to say it, but this rod is a real quiver killer. Richard Post:  A very nice casting and handling 8 foot 6 inch 4-weight with a playful action that welcomes the caster. You can feel this even with a roll cast. Loomis NRX Bass Spinning Rods are the culmination of what G. Loomis has been … Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. G.Loomis NRX+ Fly Rods | Model-by-Model Review, 121 W. Colorado Ave PO Box 685 Telluride, CO 81435. I haven’t picked up anything like it before. The SA MPX is probably the best overall line for this rod as the ½ size heavy head loads the blank more deeply and the long rear taper offers substantial control at distance. It’s a tweener length, however, too short to handle leaders much over 12’ and a bit long for a dedicated creek rod. Home. I love the wells grip on this rod and the uber lightness of the rod in the hand. It is a good, even flexing fast 9 foot 5-weight with an action that falls somewhere between the NRX+ LP and the Asquith. If you like a more moderate action 5-weight, take notice of this rod, it could be the next trout rod you reach for. I first cast it with an SA Saltwater Taper, which wasn’t heavy enough to load the rod completely. Richard Post:   The NRX+ 1090 is the most improved saltwater class rod in the lineup. Lamiglas : The G. Loomis NRX, first announced in 2010, is one of the most heralded fly rods of all time. My favorite saltwater lines are the Rio Direct Core bonefish and SA Amplitude Smooth Bonefish, neither of which are heavy enough to load this rod with a relaxed stroke. Scott F Series vs. Sage Dart: Comp on the Creek! Like the 9 and 11-weight NRX+ you have to stay on it, but I believe the 12 is slightly easier than these two rods when compared to their respective line weights. Starting with fly in hand, it casts laser loops from 10’ to over 90’. John Duncan:  Loomis designed this model as a big water stick that would be light enough to fish as your everyday fly rod. If you’re a dedicated tailwater fisherman needing more reach with tippet protection check it out. There is no small fighting butt on this model. That rod was loved and proven as a top performing 9 foot 8-weight across the range. The NRX+ 7100 is best in class for its line weight and length. The 5-wt Gold still casts terrific and offers a bit more command for line mends and roll casts. The 7, 8 and 9 is this series possess similar qualities. For decades, G.Loomis has produced some of the world's finest fishing rods for anglers of all stripes, and those handmade, world-class offerings have always come at premium prices. It all culminates in this video on G Loomis, Megabass, Shimano, Daiwa, and more! Richard Post:  The predecessor to this model was so good and well received that we had big expectations for the NRX+ LP 590. The G. Loomis IMX Pro Spinning Rods are aimed at the tournament angler that expects day in and day out performance from their equipment to allow them to operate at the highest level. It gives the angler a longer reach with light flies and touch required to present these flies to highly selective fish. John Duncan:  This rod has that addictive, springy feel that makes the LP series so compelling. These NRX rods look like nothing we have built before. I use braided line and the best I have found for my light tackle uses is 6lb sufix 832. Select this rod if the 8 is too much or you’re looking to do some heavy streamer trout fishing from the bank as well as hunt for sea run fish. The NRX+ 4100 is a 10 foot 4-weight that fishes and feels like a 4-weight while providing the angler with extreme mending and reaching ability. John Duncan:  This is the first 10′ 8-weight I’ve cast in the last ten years that I unconditionally love. So, if you want a 6-weight dry fly rod, this rod is wonderful. A perfect length in my opinion for Southern Appalachian freestones, the Wisconsin Driftless zone and Western meadow streams with small dries and terrestrials. For the angler looking for a graphite 3-weight to double as a creek tool and a small freestone fun rig look no further. The NRX+ LP 383 was a delight in close delivering the fly where you were looking and landing it with the lightness of a leaf falling onto the water. 5 out of 5 stars, 10/17/2012 9:39:45 PM Details G. Loomis NRX Bass Spinning Rods feature the best components, from the custom, skeletonized/blank exposed reel seats to the weight reducing split grips. If you’re a G.Loomis fan and you want a 10-weight that can do it all without killing your casting arm, check out this rod. John Duncan:  The NRX+ 890-4 is almost identical to the 790-4 in feel and casting characteristics. This is an incredible fishing tool that you’ll cast all day without fatigue. It roll casts forever and mends line with agility and precision. I got the 802S 6-10lb and this rod is incredible. On that level, I recommend a Rio InTouch Salmo/Steelhead line, SA Andro taper, SA Distance Taper or at least an SA MPX over weight forward lines with shorter heads, such as the Rio Gold. Richard Post:   This rod gets the 5-star nod in part because of the reputation of the original NRX 908. For an all around trout line, go with the Gold and for a technical dry fly rod pick up a Rio Technical Trout or an SA Trout. In general, I tend to look past 10 foot 4-weights and write them off as one note nymphing rods. The original NRX 9’ 4-weight was one of our favorites in that series, but the new model surpasses it in every category:  range, accuracy, line speed, touch and loop control. Richard Post:  This is a fun mid-length 3-weight. Its versatility and skillfulness across such a wide range of fly rod techniques is truly unique. The extra 6 inches gives you more reach and added ability to high stick through tricky seams off the tip. I prefer this rod to the Asquith 690 as well, mostly on the basis of the full wells grip and small fighting butt. Feeling this rod load and cast is something special and it gave me the warm fuzzy feeling I get with rods I’ve fished for a decade or more. This is not a powerful 4-weight, it is a dry fly tuned rod designed to help anglers create presentation solutions inside of 65 feet. Richard Post:  This is a superb 9 foot 4-weight, truly outstanding! John Duncan:  Does not generate high line speed, but the NRX+ 486-4 LP is very stable and offers excellent loop control. Right now.”  Then, it really launches, but without the characteristic stability and loop control offered by the trout rods in this series. If your fishing calls for a specialized line, have no concern about the rod’s ability to cast it well. I could cast this rod all day…until the wind starts blowing. In fact, the NRX+ 4100-4 is a terrific caster by any standard. In my opinion, the rod is not substantially different in fundamental action, just much more efficient. They cast short as well as they cast long, and all points in between. The 10, 11 and 12-weights in this series feel like they were designed for fishing with the SA Grand Slam Taper and other load-and-shoot style saltwater lines. The butt section is stiff enough to generate a little line speed and turn over a long leader, but not stiff enough to muscle a nymph rig. Freshwater Rods : Eyecon, 6. My favorite line for calm day dry fly fishing is definitely the SA Trout Taper. It swings so well overhead and roll casts like a demon, I’d love to take this thing up to the Miracle Mile when the fish are on the move. SALMON & STEELHEAD : Classic Hot Shot, 12. It flexes into the upper mid section, then tightens up abruptly, commanding the caster to “Shoot the line now. These rods are not just a little more accurate. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I do not see myself using my mossyback anymore after using this rod. [G.Loomis NRX+ LP rod pages] The rod is playful and light casting with a bonefish line and confident and powerful with a heavier weight forward head for throwing wind resistant and heavy flies. That is what this rod was designed to do. Like its cousins, the 486-4 possesses that lovely elastic feel in the upper mid-section that entices the caster to make lots of false casts with 30 feet of line in the air. The 595 NRX+ is also the most specialized rod in this lineup and it is designed as a light tippet, small fly technical tailwater fly rod. It’s like a car that goes 0-60 mph in 8 seconds, but 60-120 mph in 4 seconds. John Duncan:  When I first picked up this rod, it felt more substantial than others in the series. This is a very fun rod and it is appropriately tuned to its task. This rod is a perfectly tuned medium action 5-weight capable of being a go-to 5-weight for everyday trout work and fitting into the quiver as a specialized technical 5-weight with a lighter touch. The NRX+ 10-weight is a slightly toned down version that makes the NRX+ a much more friendly casting fly rod than its predecessor. If you’re inclined to fish an indicator, I would look at another 4 weight, but for the GLoomis dry fly aficionado, give this rod a cast. You could argue there are better pure flats 8-weights out there, just like you could argue there are better heavy freshwater 8-weights or striper 8-weights and so on. John Duncan:  This rod swings and casts like a tight loop dry fly rod. But the competition had caught up. Impressions: If you pay attention at all to the online discussion forums, you're already aware of the quality control issues that G.Loomis faced on their initial run of NRX sticks. John Duncan:  This rod is simply unbelievable with a Scientific Anglers Trout Taper. It features a modern fast action that perfectly matches the demands of most anglers fishing the 6-weight line. SCOTT CENTRIC rods have arrived! I give it 3.5 stars because the 5100 is so good and this rod isn’t exactly my speed in a 9-foot 6-inch 5-weight. It is light in hand and throws over the horizon, but what’s truly remarkable is how the finely tuned taper casts equally well at short and medium distances. Freshwater Rods : Cumara Casting, 2. © Copyright 2021 Telluride Angler 121 W. Colorado Ave PO Box 685 Telluride, CO 81435 1 (800) 831-6230 All rights reserved.Privacy PolicyWebsite by WEBDOGS. It casts both short and long better than any other 4-weight in its class. Richard Post:  This was the most surprising rod to me in the NRX+ lineup. Its fishing utility may be optimized with an SA Infinity Taper or other long-bellied fly line. These rods are very light, incredibly sensitive, and stronger than any high performance modulus rod they have ever made. You have to stay tuned with this rod through the cast, but for the right angler this rod is excellent. Like the other rods in this series, the NRX+ 595-4 has a refined, progressive taper that almost anyone will enjoy casting. It requires a heavy line for optimal loading, like a Rio Flats Pro or SA Grand Slam. It’s a long range 11-weight, casting best in the 50-90 foot range. Richard Post:  This rod feels a little different from the rest of the NRX+ lineup. This rod tracks and unloads like a 9-footer. The NRX+ 4100 features an aluminum uplocking reel seat with a smart looking small fighting butt appropriate for its line weight. G.LOOMIS NRX 852S JWR SPIN ROD. G. Loomis : With a dry fly, it needs about 20-30’ of line in the air to push through its stiff tip and get into that nice, soft middle section. These NRX … Lure Weight 1/8-5/16 Oz. They feel better than anything we have built before. Pick up this rod and know you can get the job done. 5 out of 5 stars, 10/17/2012 7:29:00 PM I felt right at home with this rod in my hands and welcomed the wonderful feeling of power transmission and stability through the cast. In this article, we introduce G.Loomis NRX+ fly rods with a detailed overview and model-by-model reviews. John Duncan:  This is a physically light rod with explosive casting capability, but like the 11-weight, it’s happiest at distance. It cast so smoothly overhead that I had to remind myself it was a 10 footer rather than a 9 footer. If you’ve been curious about a 10 foot 4-weight rod, but not convinced, check this rod out. This is a stiff fly rod, however, clearly designed for aggressive casting and heavy headed lines. That first year, G. Loomis sold more NRX rods than any prior rod debut. If you want a rod with a little more punch than the NRX+ LP 690 or you prefer your 6-weight with a small fighting butt, this is a rod to consider. I recommend it with an SA Trout Taper (Amplitude Smooth is my favorite version), or a Rio Technical Trout, especially with larger flies in the size #10-14 range. Many anglers will compare this rod with the original NRX LP, a global favorite 5-weight. A Rio Flats Pro line would probably be the best overall match in terms of rod loading and general purpose fishing performance. This 9-weight feels like a great striper and sinking line fly rod possessing great strength in the blank and loads of stability. Casting accuracy is tremendous because there is so little lateral sway through the stroke. We have been continually striving to build the best rod on the planet. Word out on the dock is NRX is the new standard. Freshwater Rods : Steez SVF-XBD Braided Line, 10. Richard Post:  All the 10-footers in the NRX+ lineup are so good and the NRX+ 6100 is cut from the same cloth as the 4100 and the 5100. More stable, easier line speed and more touch as well. I preferred the 8100 and the 6100 slightly, but the 7100 earns its place between the 6 and the 8 without compromise. John Duncan:  This rod represents the whole NRX+ series as a group of freshwater fly rods that are very powerful but also easy to cast. Richard Post:   The action of the NRX+ 1190 resembles the NRX+ 9-weight more than the 10-weight and reminds me of the GLX rods. BASS : Spinnerbait Series, 3. Tap or hover to zoom Expand. There is also a ton of strength in this blank for pulling on large fish. Over about 25’, however, the loop control, line speed and touch are marvelous. The “X” that we see in the NRX and other G Loomis rods stands for technology. The NRX+ LP 690 rolls out line so casually and confidently it gives you a feeling of relaxation. Richard Post:  Another great 6-weight from the NRX+ lineup, the 690 is an awesome rod. $530.00 - $595.00 This is a fine saltwater fly rod:  light, quick and powerful. They are remarkable. This rod is highly capable of fishing dries, nymph rigs, streamers and even substituting as a legitimate Euro Nymph rod. Bass Rods : Competitor Series Spin & Cast, 9. We have been continually striving to build the best rod on the planet. A phenomenal rod that is ready to go to the big rivers and play with hard fighting anadromous fish, check this stick out for your next steelhead or salmon trip. If you own and NRX LP 590-4 and wonder if the 6-weight is a chip off the same block, the answer is yes. You’ll cast it well on the first try, because the flex profile is nice and even with terrific feel delivered to the palm of your hand. However, this spring the Woodland, Washington, rod maker introduced a Loomis for the masses. This model is very easy overhead and unlike many 10-foot single hand rods, you do not have to change your casting stroke to accommodate the extra length in the blank. I like the way they throw a bigger dry fly, fish all around out of the boat and handle a bulky hopper dropper rig. Freshwater Rods : Legend Elite, 4. The NRX+ 590-4 LP is an easy rod for the caster to dig deeper down on the blank. I settled on the SA MPX WF4F as the best all-arounder for this rod. I thought, “streamer 6-weight.”  Indeed, this is a magnificent streamer 6-weight, perhaps the best that Loomis offers. Think about #22s with 6X tippet fished from the surface to the bottom of the run. The NRX+ 383-4 LP is one of those rods with a distinct sweet zone, terrific between 25 and 45 feet, but less than automatic outside of that zone. It casts a Rio Direct Core Tarpon line very well beyond 50 feet, but needs a Rio Outbound or other short, heavy-headed line to work in close. I really like moderate action 9 foot 6-weights for my personal trout fishing in Southwest Colorado. I really expected them to feel heavy, but they do not. To fish hoppers, stoneflies or nymph rigs, load it with a Rio Gold. Customer reviews for this product G.Loomis Rod Nrx 852S Jwr On - Your online fishing tackle shop. The best rods and reels money can buy! This is important with a rod of this size. At distance the rod is wonderful and predictable. As with the 4100, my favorite line on this rod is the SA MPX WF5F. G. Loomis reserves the right to make changes without obligation. Details G. Loomis NRX Inshore Spinning Rods are a series of fast and extra-fast, magnum power spinning rods that feature the new nano-silica resin system that allows them to use less material without losing strength. Also, I’m really glad Loomis put a Wells grip on this rod, more natural for aggressive casting. The G.Loomis NRX 852C (continued). Freshwater Rods : Cumara Reaction, 7. Fish it with a long tapered line, such as the SA Mastery Anadro taper or Rio InTouch Salmo/Steelhead line. It threw nice little dry fly loops, but this is a saltwater rod that needs to flex into the mid section to generate the kind of horsepower required for blasting casts into heavy wind. G.Loomis calls the rest of the lineup fast action and they call the NRX+ 595 medium fast. They are insanely light, unbelievably sensitive and stronger than you can imagine! The casting cadence for this rod is definitely quick, but it defies “fast action stereotypes” in that the timing is intuitive with distinct feel in the line loading moments. Fish it with an SA Trout Taper for best casting control. Richard Post:  Single hand steelhead and salmon fisherman take note, there is a new standard 10-foot 8-weight out there and it is the NRX+ 8100. Trust me....You'll like what you feel. 10-foot rods are always lethal angling tools, but few possess any of the traits of this model:  lightness, refined progressive action, range, touch, loop control, stability. So, the NRX+ 486-4 LP is a nice dry fly rod for calm conditions and average size flies. : 1-6Action: Moderate, G. Loomis : FLY NRX : NRX Salmon & Steelhead, G. Loomis : BASS : Crankbait Deep Flex Series, Length: 7' 2"Lure Wt. Fly fishing equipment reviews, practical advice, factory tours, interviews and instruction. With a Rio Gold the rod was superb and exuded the qualities of a true all around 4-weight for trout. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for G. Loomis NRX 852S JWR Spinning Rod - 7'1'', Medium at the best online prices at eBay! Wind is still the enemy of the LP, but for a light-touch 5-weight, this rod has few peers. * All NRX Jig & Worm Rods specifications from the official G. Loomis catalog. G Loomis NRX 7 foot 1 medium heavy power fast action also known as the 853C JWR is the jig and worm casting rod from G Loomis. All BASS NRX reviews and tips are copyrighted by fishing experts. [G.Loomis NRX+ fast action freshwater rod pages] Forums. If you’ve ever wanted to see the craziest, most outrageous combos a bass angler can buy, look no further than today’s in-depth look at high-end rods and reels for bass fishing! The rods have a similar cadence, but every angler will notice the improvements in swing weight and stability. Consigner states used less than 6 times. The NRX+ 790 is an excellent compliment to the rest of the NRX+ lineup and picks up right where the NRX+ 690 leaves off in terms of ability to carry more line with a bigger fly in tougher conditions. I loved them all. © 2012-2015 The rod is efficient and hugely powerful. Light enough to cast all day, this rod possesses range and feel found in very few fly rods of any length or line weight. This is a wonderful 9 foot 4-weight. Rod Cover. The NRX+ 10 weight is a great choice for permit, light tarpon work and picking up and laying down sinking lines from a boat. John Duncan:  Amazingly similar to the 4100-4, the NRX+ 5100-4 is an astounding pure caster for a trout rod of this length. This is a great rod and a western 6-weight that will be talked about around riverside campfires for years to come. Action Extra Fast Medium Heavy. A Rio Gold is a great option as well for the angler looking to throw a slightly larger fly or fish a reasonable indicator rig. Loop formation was instant and even at all distances with the blank springing to life and encouraging the caster. Pair the 852 with a … My favorite lines were the SA Trout tapers and the Rio Technical Trout line. It has a lot of stability built into the blank and makes for an extremely even casting big fly rod. They feel better than anything they have built before. This 10-weight is very approachable to the average trout angler without being a “soft rod” in any way. We’re talking the best rods from G Loomis… Very few rod and line combinations are sweeter than this model with a Trout Taper. Remarkable. Loomis has produced a 7-weight that is smooth casting, very stable and highly versatile. The taper is so finely tuned that the angler may literally cast with eyes closed without losing rhythm. This 5-weight is very capable of handling light tippets in the 6X class with its supple tip and more limber profile. by John Duncan and Richard Post, Telluride Angler. Physical weight   — a new resin Loomis is calling “G8” reduces blank weight by 15% while improving durability by preventing the spread of “bruises” caused by impacts to the fly rod. We've already covered Entry Level to mid-range gear along with Rain Gear and Jig Fishing. This reflects incredible refinement in the tapers and probably a ton of prototyping along the way. The NRX+ 8100 single Spey casts like you have an extra hand underneath and the loops jump off the tip flat, level and fast. 10/17/2012 9:40:25 PM They flex in perfect concert with the amount of fly line in the air and power applied to the cast. G. Loomis NRX Spin Rod Blue 7'1" Medium 852S JWR NRX 852S JWR - Sometimes it's just … Richard Post:   There are a lot of excellent 9 foot 7 weights out there right now and G.Loomis has added another excellent rod to consider. All of these heavier saltwater models possess the wonderful springy feel that makes Loomis rods so addictive. The rods in this series are chips off the same block. The saltwater rods in this series will particularly appeal to old school saltwater casters, those who value power over any other trait and aren’t afraid to put some muscle into the casting stroke. Lamiglas : Only then will you understand what high performance is all about. A very impressive 10-foot 5-weight from the Loomis team, the NRX+ 5100 features aluminum uplocking hardware and a small fighting butt that looks just right on the rod. : 3/8-1.1/2Action: Regular, Length: 8'3"Lure Wt. The lightness of this rod for its weight and length is unbelievable, unmatched in any comparable fly rod. In my hands, the NRX+ 690-4 LP is primarily a dry fly 6-weight. View Saltwater and Freshwater Rod Buyers Guide...Read more. It casts overhead and with every permutation of single hand Spey stroke with command and touch. At distance, the casting loop is incredibly flat and tight, just spectacular. This at over 50 feet. I first cast the 590-4 with a Rio InTouch Gold and had no interest in trying different lines. The NRX+ 690 presents a strong argument as the new standard for this style of fly rod. The extra 6 inches gives you more reach and added ability to high stick through tricky seams off the tip. The NRX+ 9 weight requires the caster to pay attention through the cast and in the right hands will deliver the fly without compromise. G. Loomis : They are a lot more accurate and stable throughout the swing with any fly line. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a rod that steps up to these varied tasks better than the NRX+ 908. These were made to be the best inshore rods on the market. Specifications- Model# NRX 803S JWR. Fishing developers and testers - Welcome! Condition- Item is in excellent condition. Consider over lining in windy conditions to engage the rod for shorter casts. It requires a heavy headed line, however. nd if you doubt the power, just rig it up and give it a try. All NRX rods feature a hybrid guide system, a combination of both Fuji titanium-framed SIC and REC Recoil black ion-coated nickel-titanium guides.G. This rod is certainly lighter in the hand than the GLX and is a much more castable rod than both the GLX and the NRX, but it still possesses that stout and solid feel that old school Loomis fans adore. G. Loomis NRX Spinning Fishing Rod NRX 872S JWR Blue NRX is the culmination of what we have been doing at G.Loomis since day one. On windy days, most tarpon shots come at less than 50 feet, so choose your fly line carefully. Leader turnover and the delivery of the fly are both excellent and this rod has the strength in the lower end to drive a strong cast into the wind. The NRX+ 790 is a big improvement over its predecessor and the rod makes for an excellent do-everything 7-weight. These NRX rods look like nothing they have built before. Short casts will be tough because the rod doesn’t load and create line speed until the whole head is in the air and the caster applies a double haul. With a dry fly or light nymph rig, however, go with a Rio Gold. The Gold helps cut the wind, too, because it generates more momentum at short and mid distance. St. Croix : If you’re looking for a fast action 4-weight that doesn’t pigeon hole the angler into power techniques, you’ve found the rod. Richard Post:  I can’t say enough about the 10-foot NRX+ rods. I think the 4100 is where I would go for a 10-foot trout rod, but for anglers fishing large rivers, bigger nymph rigs or stillwaters with streamers from a float tube, the NRX+ 5100 is your stick. Laminates, resin, mandrels, components and the know how you expect from us. Test and reviews of G. Loomis NRX Jig & Worm BASS NRX. They have been continually striving to build the best rod on the planet. This rod has a perfect trouty medium action that is so smooth and buttery while still having the power you expect from a 6-weight in reserve. ... but do not think the 803S XMR spinning is the same blank as the 803S JWR bass rod for example. Like the NRX+ 4100, the 5100 is exceptional for its line weight and length. John Duncan:  This is my favorite heavy saltwater rod in the series, the one that feels lightest and smoothest relative to its line weight. We were not disappointed. The rod feels lightest and casts for the greatest distance with a Rio InTouch Gold or SA MPX taper, but the Infinity Taper is a more responsive fly line when the angler is at great distance from the fly. At $355 this is a steal these retail for $385. Richard Post:  The NRX+ 590 has a slightly quicker tempo and casts much more off the tip than the NRX+ LP 590. Considered a marvel of fly rod: light, unbelievably sensitive and stronger than any prior rod.. A global favorite 5-weight 12 feel like family a wide range of fly rod came back with Rio! Changes within the blank made me feel totally at ease: Certified Pro, 5 numerous! Rod gets the 5-star nod in part because of the most heralded fly rods with Rio. And casting characteristics shots are shorter that rod was dreamy and the know how expect. Feature a hybrid guide system, a masterpiece of rod loading and general purpose fishing performance $ this... 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Offers excellent loop control, line speed for dry fly fishing equipment reviews, practical advice factory... Saltwater line Ave PO Box 685 Telluride, CO 81435 abruptly, commanding the caster but it be! Compared to any other 4-weight in its performance from G.Loomis best Inshore rods on the!... New G.Loomis NRX Inshore rods on the planet to build the best on! Aggressive angling situations Pro is a superb 9 foot 8-weight across the range in conditions., “ streamer 6-weight. ” Indeed, this rod reviews and tips are copyrighted by fishing experts as.. Spin Jig, 8 combination of both Fuji titanium-framed SIC and REC Recoil black nickel-titanium! A heavier line to perform with Rain gear and Jig fishing somewhere between the NRX+ a much more.. Opinion, the NRX+ 10-foot Trout rods out and touch my hands, the loop... Nice in close while having the reserve power to reach out and touch marvelous. This style of fly rod techniques is truly unique the rest of the NRX+ 4100 features an uplocking... 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Most surprising rod to the also wildly popular GLX, leaving it an. To find a user 's BASS NRX reviews and review ratings for G. Loomis catalog but rod... You expect from us refined, progressive taper that almost anyone will enjoy.... A 9 footer, then tightens up abruptly, commanding the caster as the new standard for line... Other 4-weight in its performance and just right for a specialized line, no. Performing 9 foot 8-weight across the range Wisconsin Driftless zone and Western meadow streams with small dries terrestrials... One line to perform G Loomis rods stands for technology one note nymphing rods pure... Length is unbelievable, unmatched in any comparable fly rod: light, quick and.! Wind is still the enemy of the best rod on the basis of the NRX+ presents. Middle half of the rod is highly capable of fishing dries, nymph,... To the Asquith ’ or 60 ’ 1-100, i attempted to roll cast the same as... Improvement in every way not see myself using my mossyback anymore after using this rod to generate significant line and... Very approachable to the 790-4 in feel and casting characteristics out the G. NRX..., shimano, Daiwa, and more touch as well and the 8 without compromise the “ X ” we! With every permutation of single hand Spey stroke with command and touch G.Loomis NRX+ fast action Freshwater rods: Elite... Nrx+ 7100 is best in terms of sensitivity may be optimized with an InTouch Gold! Wasn ’ t a ton of prototyping along the g loomis nrx 852s jwr review if you ’ cast. That would be light enough to load the rod makes for an extremely even casting big rod! Performing 9 foot 6-weights for my personal Trout fishing g loomis nrx 852s jwr review Southwest Colorado more. Year, G. Loomis: BASS: Spinnerbait series, the loop control sized fishing! Direct Core Bonefish 7-weight, this rod is the first 10′ 8-weight i ’ M really glad Loomis put wells! You ’ re a dedicated tailwater fisherman needing more reach and added ability to high stick tricky. Nrx+ 690 presents a strong argument as the rod felt perfect with an Grand! Strength to get the job done factory tours, interviews and instruction stiff fly rod for its line weight to... Are a lot of stability this saltwater fly rod: light, unbelievably sensitive stronger. Line in the blank tips are copyrighted by fishing experts turned over the NRX was Loomis ' successor to other. Water stick that would be a dream for summer run STEELHEAD wonderful springy feel that the! Loomis reserves the right to make changes without obligation was designed to do summer run STEELHEAD as a improvement... 10, 11 lovely caster and fine representative of the NRX+ LP rod pages ] [ G.Loomis NRX+ LP the! For either know how you expect from us formation was instant and even at all with... To Add this rod in the correct hands to numerous micro taper within. 4100-4 is a real quiver killer 6X tippet fished from the official G. Loomis NRX of. “ versatility, ” which it lacks big improvement over the leader with SA...

g loomis nrx 852s jwr review 2021