Even Cain killing Abel has been part of a plan — he has no free will. Those NEETs have gone to work recovering their old cell phones from the large piles, and in the meantime, Hirasawa and company are able to find a safe spot to hide. Cathy may be a more clear example of Steinbeck siding with the “nature” side of the Nature/Nurture debate. Is it something you find on the beach? These men are not exceptionally bright nor are they skilled workers. Why do they make it so hard to recommend this show with that opening scene. Eden of the East is a 11 episode series by Production I.G that would also slide nicely into a free-to-air TV slot next to crime thrillers such as CSI. Let’s hope that the movies will be better (doubt it). Well here is what I think about the memory wipe…he knows that it would be hard becoming to prince, and in his present state of mind impossible. I was wondering if that was going to show up. @lang0 to think that I have to wait almost half a year for the movie.. damnit! Follow edited Jun 14 '15 at 13:22. Just a shame they decided to go the movie route with the conclusion. Wow… I was quite pleased with what they’ve managed to pull off and even though there are far too many lingering questions, the ending was a good one and even though I wouldn’t say I’m ecstatic, I’m at least content, and that works for me. I realize he had something of a blank look on his face, but my first impression was that Juiz implanted knowledge (about being a king?) The ending, and the answers to the questions Steinbeck poses at the beginning of the novel, occurs within the last lines of the book. “Ohsugi, I knew you were a man with balls.” Well, the only thing number XII did with his/her money was move Juiz to a secret location, but yeah. Before the group can do anything about it though, Akira starts broadcasting a video message to the cell phones of everyone inside the mall. First of all, NEETs helped? In the finals pages, as Adam instructs Caleb that he “may,” he has no faith that Caleb might actually overcome his nature. He doesn’t recall his connection to the ongoing missile attacks terrorizing the Japanese people. Hrmm remember that detective at the start how he was killed by some girl I dont recall seeing her in any of the rest of the episodes however she was a selecao yes? Fortunately, she’s okay as well, and while she’s still waking back up, Akira calls Juiz and asks her to make him the king of Japan with the rest of his money. This leads to me wonder if the “real Juiz” is referring to Saki. TO MAKE US WATCH THE MOVIE! HATED, the nose shadows. ... After the father's idealistic plans for a long-haul vegetable shipping business venture end in a loss of thousands of dollars, Cal decides to enter the bean-growing business, as a way of recouping the money his father lost in the vegetable shipping venture. I’m still wondering what role the ‘society computer’ will play in the over-arching plot. I could take screenshots but it just refuses to work at the moment. As the NEETs get to work, Akira admires their potential, and he soon has thousands of suggestions. The NEETs give chase, and Hirasawa has to throw the laptop to Oosugi before he gets caught. Some nice marketing there. Ah well. Human history has repeated itself, and it continues to repeat itself. Maybe he did the oposite… Maybe he turned his memory back to him. Just an observation, during the opening with all the Selecao numbers displayed, three vanish in this order: IV, V, X. IV and V match the story so far in episodes 3 and 4 respectively. If God proclaimed “You Shall,” then Cain’s path is already determined — God knows that Cain will triumph over sin and evil. D: Posted 3/14/09 , edited 3/14/09 . ( Log Out /  does it actually say that he erased his memory again? But to replace Akira as the main later with Saki doesn’t fit well either, so we’ll have to wait and see how it plays out. But why? A person would usually go corrupt if they have to carry memories that contradict their original goal ala Kira from Death Note and like the detective who said he initially started the game with justice in mind, but ended up in a bloody mess. It’s been shown in history that there were benevolent Monarchs but most would end up becoming corrupted while looking for absolute power. Akira really makes some huge sacrifices to save Japan because even though he is betrayed by so many people, I think he really wants the best for everyone and is willing to endure whatever he has to for the means to make it happen. Also, how will the other selecao play a role? D: And theres still some things that need answering, like whyd Akira have a gun in DC and who/what was he trying to aim at? Based on an original story by Kamiyama, it is the first original animation series broadcast in noitaminA. into his head, a la The Matrix. And the best they could think of was to shoot down the missiles. It isn’t heard anywhere else throughout the season. Am I the only person who didn’t like this series? What is the significance behind Adam's last word? The human condition, as Steinbeck hints at, is that we are all born with our paths set though we should never accept it. Or the part h… XII) does not have to spend ANY of his ‘alotted’ 10bil yen at all as he is using other cash source(s) in a similar situation as II. So small theory…maybe he wasn’t killed because being king means he gained infinite power and money; thus not “running out” of his 10 billion, more like inheriting more? As covered by most, he wiped his memory to relief himself of the baggage giving him a fresh start as the King/Prince of Japan. Let's face it, one stereotypical thing anime fans are associated with is simply not dealing with reality. or naughty?! Here’s what I mean: Juiz always says to “continue being a messiah” at the end of her phone calls with Takizawa and the other Seleçao. what’s wrong with wrapping it up in 16 – 18 eps or so? She killed him out of betrayal. It’s even more frustrating because we won’t be able to see the conclusion of it until the two movies are released, and those won’t be out until November and January respectively. Required fields are marked *. Is it possible for a selecao to have more than one phone? Saki is really the only person we see in the series with an unwavering faith in Takizawa. The choice is left up to Caleb — it’s not a premonition, and it’s not a direct order. The Special Edition DVD version will have horizontal widescreen for all the fujoshis out there. This makes sense given the Garden of Eden existed in the Middle East. 2:35. Can Caleb triumph over his own wickedness? Hell, i’d pay for a plane ticket to go see it . Featured … Those two together have the potential to make someone (perhaps a king) almost clairvoyant. He’s got a gun in one hand, a cell phone in the other, and doesn’t know if he’s a good guy or one of the worst. Let’s just hope the movies are worth the wait. Cain’s future is determined by a direct order. I wonder if the animators felt a bit queer while making this episode… so many naked men haha. Literally. Same tie, same uniform, and same chin, and driving the same car. iii) Mr Outside and/or Juiz implicitly supports his decision as he was not killed by the supporter (from Saki’s short comment). Well…hopefully we don’t have to wait too long for them to come to DVD. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I think it could have been much better if they went for 26 eps. Although that sound is probably specific to the memory wipe, so I don’t think he can “transfer” his Selacao status, seeing as he would not only endanger Saki (which he would never do on purpose), and it would sure be an easy way to shove off the responsibilities on someone else for any of the Selacao who don’t want to “lose” this game. The Hamiltons are a poor family living on dry, barren land, but Adam Trask and his wife Cathy Trask are rich from inheritance and live on a fertile and rich piece of land with a large quantity of water available. Now I have to find ways to watch the movies as well. They end up in the amusement park area above the mall, separated from all the NEETs, and Akira instructs the NEETs to write on the Eden of the East site their ideas for shooting down the missiles. Key Idea #4: Choice in the Absence of Free Will It was basically too random. How did Eden of the East End? Ah well, plenty of other new series/season of shows to keep us busy until then. Caleb and Charles are both hard working farmers that are seemingly fueled by jealousy rather than greed — they both have chips on their shoulders that cause them to work harder and more diligently than their siblings. This is a book that’s easy to love and easy to hate; it’s cyclical nature, sheer length, and heavy handedness can be off-putting for sure, but these hurdles end up contributing to the point Steinbeck tries to make with the novel. It’s not like the supporter is waiting around the corner waiting for the moment Akira spend his fortune. In this way, he is like her own messiah. The ending theme, while less notable music-wise, uses a very distinct style, using a stop-motion sequence made using papercraft. It was certainly very cool to see the Bang scene with Akira “shooting” down the missiles (just like the ED papermation foreshadowed) while that song Reveal the World was playing in the background. He doesn’t seem like he is in too much despair this time around ^^; And just when you think Eden of the East will finally end nicely, it gives you everything but a good or happy ending. How is it possible for number II and number XII havent used their money yet and not be killed? Besides, it does not make sense. Ok anyone else confused as hell to why number one (i think it was him, the guy trying to be mr outside) got in a helicopter and the random selecao who didnt want to spend any cash got in his limo, but in the next scene they are sitting in the same car. Archived. 9,272 10 10 gold badges 50 50 silver badges 106 106 bronze badges. No, it doesn´t. I’ll wait for the movies, one on Careless Monday and the other one on january, Well, in spite of giving his phone away to Saki after weeping his memory, I really don’t think Akira did so to push the responsibility on her, since *first thing first* it’s simply impossible: she is not the selected messiah and can’t order around Juiz… Anyway, final episode looks gorgeous. The build up has been amazing, but that leaves us with 10 episodes to conclude…, Spoilers, I love this beginning part, this is probably the best, but when she start killing humans all willy nilly…, https://randomc.net/image/Eden%20of%20the%20East/Eden%20of%20the%20East%20-%2011%20-%20Large%2013.jpg, https://randomc.net/image/Eden%20of%20the%20East/Eden%20of%20the%20East%20-%2011%20-%20Large%2030.jpg, https://randomc.net/image/Eden%20of%20the%20East/Eden%20of%20the%20East%20-%2011%20-%20Large%2037.jpg, https://randomc.net/image/Eden%20of%20the%20East/Eden%20of%20the%20East%20-%2011%20-%20Large%2042.jpg, Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season – 06. Ha ha. *sigh*. I honestly thought the old man was mr.outside, and I still think we is. O_O And kept going like that for a few minutes.T_T. He has no more money, so I suppose he has no use for the phone, but doesn’t that mean he’ll have to meet the Supporter (if he really does exist/is Mr.Outside), @V I was yelling at my screen by the time this announcement appeared. I nearly cried my eyes out. Hopefully I won’t have forgotten about the details of the plot or even have lost interest in the show by the time the movies come out. And 50 dollars says that juiz is the supporter in the next movie. 2nd part in October. Do people make their own destiny? Apr 05, 2007 09:50AM. If you look at the first episode when he had his memory wipe, and this episode, the same thing happens. It’s not like she can use it since it’s locked UNLESS that’s why they kept Pantsu alive in the first place, which is a possibility. The taxi driver must also hold some importance since the director obviously tried to put some focus on him with the extended close-up. Hrmm remember that detective at the start how he was killed by some girl I dont recall seeing her in any of the rest of the episodes however was she a selecao? Notice that limo that pulled up to him at the end? I’ve enjoyed how semi-realistic the series has been. Not entirely sure why Akira wiped his memories a second time, but I pretty sure the reason why he slipped his phone into Saki’s pocket was to avoid regaining his memories again, (cause the phone helped him get it back the first time). I wish I could place thesis on all this speculation. Whether or not he will prevail over sin and evil is not clear, but God has given a direct order: he must try to prevail. This utterance is Adam’s act of forgiving Caleb for the sin of indirectly killing Aron. Ep 11…. What did you think of the East of Eden ending. So he had has memory wiped then gave his phone to Saki. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. The last line of East of Eden means that Adam does not die at the end of the novel: "His eyes closed and he slept." @Zaku Fan Perhaps this also plays into the reason as to why Jesus curses a fig tree in Mark 11. from the data being renewed or something Saki thinks that their best course of action in order to prevent the new missile strike is to post the target locations online, but the problem is that those locations are on the laptop that Hirasawa and the others left behind to the NEETs. Key Idea #3: Timshel! Even I’d like to avoid it if I could. Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new) post a comment » date newest » message 1: by Chatel (last edited Aug 25, 2016 10:57AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars. I’m thinking there might be something wrong with me :p. Ok.. time to download the season. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. But as I said too, I believe that like when he talked to Hiura (the doctor Selacao), he told him that Akira probably erased his memories to bet on his “new self”, which I believe is a very similar case at this point in the story, and to go into this role unbiased and uninfluenced by the events since the last time. Charles ; the relationship between Aron/Caleb and Adam/Charles mirrors that of Abel/Cain characters! Up a movie really didn ’ t too far off, though somewhat different Caleb! Just extended itself into summer rather than waiting for two movies may not have ended memory 2nd... He “ shall ” or “ must ” prevail over sin and evil now supporter needs to him... Then gave his phone to Saki Cal feels overwhelmed with guilt memory a 2nd wipe... Two movies over a year for the movies seems kinda slow series had just extended itself summer! 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eden of the east ending explained 2021