In this short online course, you will learn how you can assess your practice against these criteria, so that at inspection you can demonstrate how you implement your curriculum and provide evidence on the impact it makes. If you are reading this in England, does the English Baccalaureate feature high or low on the agenda? 4 0 obj
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Key Values and Skills at Hayfield School We want all o… %����
The 25 indicators of curriculum quality could all be linked to two main underpinning factors: ‘intent’ and ‘implementation’. MPL Curriculum: Intent, Implementation and Impact; Curriculum Overviews; English. 1 0 obj
PSHE- Intent, Implementation and Impact Intent Implementation Impact When planning and teaching at St George and St Martin, we believe that PSHE is an integral part of the curriculum as the skills learnt will equip them for their futures and become active members of society. 11 0 obj
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Curriculum Intent – ‘The heart and mind of every child’ At Scholar Green Primary School we aim to develop the heart and mind of every child. endobj
Curriculum Policy, Intent, implementation, impact 2019 CA . ( ι���ܹs��w��e])))�_�������M�4)Z�hΜ9���7o^�Vmڴ���~���(@˔)�=m�\��+����{{�/��BX��q��ʕ+K�B/Y�$�w�oU��3f �upp`��[WX�g��=F$�S�`A���7oj?��������C/�j�Y�& We support our pupils to be confident learners who are able to communicate well, in a variety of forms. Details. 7 0 obj
Intent, Implementation and impact statement - English 2019.pdf ... .pdf English policies 2019. x��[[�۸r~w�����%���5){���l�s֩}p���(��%�����@$!)�왑(��h���F���}���o����»;���{����7? x��X��A�h�� 2 0 obj
Curriculum: intent, implementation and impact Development work for the new inspection framework Sean Harford HMI National Director, Education Curriculum survey Slide 1 2. endobj
Our teaching is based on a 'talk for writing' approach with lessons following a cycle through the processes of immersion, imitation, invention and independence. Intent is everything up to the point at which teaching happens.” endobj
The new framework is really centred around curriculum – what is being taught and how – with inspections focusing less on results and instead more on the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum. 5th Jun 2019 . "֠A��4ԩ[�n9r��7gΜy��͝;�����I���~�Eٞ?���O>������?�����SĂ"���k���+���`kk[�^�?�����gٲe��� Education and training providers need to be clear that curriculum intent is not a list of your curriculum aims published in a document or on a website. 8 0 obj
Curriculum Intent Our overarching curriculum intent is for pupils to leave Meadowfield as: 14 0 obj
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Intent, Implementation and Impact. Dc^��bAM����^�w��k���[��X$bA�74��5�b,�`�ٱ+��܍��ݻ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � HMM}��aRƓ����y���wL�/^ܻwO�x��W�,m�" ݻwwpp(U��c����T�`A�+W�X�� ��e˖�ի+VL�x�-���ai��}�v�&M����p��4�����������헱w��������?}�4..A�h��"�lO``������-[�����N�;w�����}? �E����ӞW�ܹs�������.\�'�/�O��|���?����kJ!������og�t�ѳ0���(����+W��sq�ѣG���kصk�>|��
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respectful . Bacon Garth Primary School believes that Physical Education (PE), experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is essential to ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health. 9 0 obj
Intention 1: Develop our learner’s learning (Our head and body: what we learn) To develop the appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, so that children can flourish, reach and exceed their potential academically, physically and artistically. Inspectors will judge the school curriculum – within “quality of education” – under three headings: curriculum intent, curriculum implementation, and curriculum impact. <>
2 | Page that comes with success, whilst being . maths-curriculum-intent-implementation-and-impact-statement.pdf (2019-20) maths-curriculum-intent-implementation-and-impact (recovery 2020-21).pdf Free eBooks by children's author Andrew Keith Hegaty; Key Stage 2; Phonics; Maths. Intent, Implementation & Impact Report for Physical Education (PE) Intent. We are very sorry that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to show parents around our lovely school this year. <>
Every child in our school is recognised as individual and unique. Curriculum intent is: A frameworkof aims is very different from a bullet point list of aims When considering a curriculum intent framework, education and training providers need to ensure the following: It’s as simple as that. Intent is “a framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and understanding to be gained at each stage”. The EIF: Conveying intent, implementation and impact in your curriculum The Education Inspection Framework (Ofsted 2019) places greater emphasis on your approach, as a provider, to curriculum, how well it is implemented and how it impacts on the children. In the 2019 Ofsted publication “Inspecting the Curriculum”, it is stated that: “[The working] definition [of the curriculum] uses the concepts of ‘intent’, ‘implementation’ and ‘impact’ to recognise that the curriculum passes through different states: it is conceived, taught and experienced. 1 0 obj
Writing has 4 purposes - to entertain, to inform, to discuss and to persuade. Curriculum intentions . aDMISSIONS TO rECEPTION 2021. <>
of both their own achievements and those of others. <>
In preparation for the 2019 Ofsted framework, many schools are taking time to review their curriculum intent, consider how their curriculum is implemented and evaluate how it impacts their pupils. <>
* Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact; English; English Intent statement. Curriculum Intent Broad, balanced, coherent and progressive Integrated, relevant, purposeful and meaningful ... Curriculum Impact Geography Policy_2019_2020_ Geography Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact ; Progression of Geography Skills; Geography SoW; GEOGRAPHY SDP ACTION PLAN 2019-2020; Geography Greater Depth; Geography Assembly In this week's blog I look at what it is that Ofsted mean by a curriculum intent and what schools need to know about implementing it. By 2019, only one university (the UCL Institute of Education) offers a dedica stream
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��ٳ'��{�gϞ�0�g��L��o��V�H�w��. Impact The impact of the school’s curriculum can be seen in the books they produce and the outcomes for all groups of pupils within the school. Phase 3 of Ofsted’s (2019) research on curriculum outlined some of the key findings of their statistical model. <>>>
Meadowfield School Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact 2019 - 2020 Meadowfield school is a provision for pupils age from 3 years to 19 years with profound, severe and complex needs. ... (Education Inspection Framework 2019). 3 0 obj
Using the National curriculum for EY KS1 and KS2, the curriculum is implemented through the following: This statement of curriculum intent, implementation and impact Curriculum maps for every subject – which provide content overview Medium term plans which detail knowledge, skills and pedagogical approaches Teachers’ individual weekly/daily planning, and timetabling Feedback Policy Teaching and … Based on the National Curriculum … <>
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Intent also covers the sequence in which children encounter the curriculum. Intent, implementation and impact in early years An Ofsted inspection can be a worrying time even for the best of practitioners. endobj
From September 2019, under the new Education Inspection Framework, there is a requirement that schools communicate their curriculum intent, and create and deliver a strategy for successful implementation, generating a cohesive curriculum that builds on prior learning, deepens knowledge and results in the very best outcomes for all pupils. endobj
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��Ճ� The inspectorate has said that it will assess curriculum through intent, implementation and impact. Maths – Intent, Implementation and Impact Intent Implementation Impact The national curriculum states ‘Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas.’ Therefore, the intention for mathematics is to ensure that all pupils become fluent, reason When taking on this school, I wanted children to fall back in love with learning and be totally immersed in different worlds and times; to be excited with learning. According to Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework (Ofsted, 2019), the school curriculum is defined according to its intent, implementation and impact. 12 0 obj
Curriculum Impact Statement (January 2019) Page 2 of 7 We offer a stimulating, exciting, enriching ... meeting the needs of the children at Malmesbury Park Primary Academy School. endobj
More simply, the intent of the curriculum is the curriculum, or as Spielman puts it, “what [school leaders] expect pupils to know by certain points in their life”. endobj
Ms Fearn said: “Intent is about what leaders intend pupils to learn. <>
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An investigation into how to assess the quality of education through curriculum intent, implementation and impact. <>
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You can download our Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact rationale below Our Curriculum rationale is based on our school ethos and mission statement: Learning to Live and Love Life together’ At the core of our curriculum, and underpinning all areas of learning are the shared values and skills we wish our children to develop and attain. PDF, 1.5MB, 54 pages. %PDF-1.5
Everything we do is with the child at mind, and strong relationships are built between pupils and staff which create an atmosphere for learning which is conducive to success. endobj
ֲs�������l�r�ĉaaa������4pZt+h��ƍkڴ�`�k�BK�*�^�z������]d� �����v�P>y���zs�B� Curriculum studies has been in decline for some years in the UK. <>
Curriculum Information 2020/2021 . Here, we’ve outlined how Renaissance products – particularly Star Assessments and Accelerated Reader– can aid primary and secondary educators in achieving what Ofsted will be looking for. 2 0 obj
The new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework places a strong emphasis on the curriculum and uses more education-based words that you may initially find difficult. Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact ... 2.0 Curriculum Implementation 2.1 Policies The curriculum is implemented through the following policies: Curriculum Policy ... SMSC Assemblies Programme 2018-2019 Extensive extracurricular provision (and participation) is an integral part of the wider curriculum. endobj
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Curriculum - Intent, Implementation and the Impact Our Curriculum is the beating heart of our school day. As an early career teacher in the 1990s, I was able to choose from a range of university Master’s-level programmes with a specialist focus on the curriculum. <>>>
In the next two blog posts I will be looking further at the implementation and measuring its impact. <>
History Policy 2019-20; History Intent Implementation and Impact Statement; History Progression Grid; History Scheme of Work 2019-20; SDP SUBJECT LEADER ACTION PLAN HISTORY 2019 … 3 0 obj
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